This little ball of fire is so much fun! Our home would be so quiet and dull without her in it!
Addyson doesn't love ballet, but she LOVES tap and jazz! I keep telling her that if she wants to be a good dancer she has to stay in ballet. I guess we will have to see!
This little red monster sure makes my little monster pretty happy! Ella's first word was ELMO! Not mommy, daddy or even no!
Hangin' out!
1. I love this picture so much! He is always trying to get them to cuddle with him (he succeeds 50% of the time with Ella and 100% of the time with Addyson).
2. It is crazy that they are 6 years apart, sometimes its seems like less because of how they play together.
3. Ella already ate her ice cream so she hit up Addyson for some of hers!
4. I love these two beauties!
My little reader!
Ella LOVES to be read to! She will go to anyone if they have the right book in hand!!!
She is very into animals right now. Especially cows and lions!
My big reader!
I am so proud of my Addyson! She is such a smart girl and loves to read. She just finished her very first chapter book, "Heidi". She would ask to go to bed early so she could read in her bed...sometimes she is not my child!!!
Sweet Tooth
I can't leave anything sweet out where Miss Ella can see it or she will cry or climb up to get it! She has more Chandler in her than we realize sometimes!
Red Ribbon Week
Addyson with her two cousins Alec and Noah. I am so happy that she has her cousins at her school so they can do all of this fun stuff together. I am also grateful for Red Ribbon week...say NO to drugs!
Family Tradition
Ella was all about posing with the pumpkins!

The most beautiful little girl alive!
The most adorable little puppy alive!
Ma always comes through for us! She takes it to another level and even shocks me!
1. This was Ella's very first door. She just watched the pro (Addyson)!
2. Ella got the hang of it right after. She didn't walk to the next house she RAN!!! It was one of the funniest things ever!
3. Ella and Milo thought that they were so big! Their bags got bigger than them but we were not aloud to touch it or even help out!
4. Me and my girls.
5. The gang! Landon and Matthew were sports! They got all dressed up to take the kids trick or treating. Thanks guys.
1. Oh how she enjoyed trick or treating but boy she was tired at the end!
2. I guess you can say it was a success!
3. Take out your hair, get out of your costume and into pj's, and still as beautiful as ever!
We just can't grow up when it comes to Halloween! Every year it's the same. Steve complains and says he doesn't want to dress up and then we get an idea and he runs with it! He is more into it and into character than me!
1. The Gang- Angela & Tony from Who's the Boss...aka Molly and Nick Sampietro.
Professor Snape & Snape's Patronus from Harry Potter...aka Sarah and Mark Smith. Butterfly and some dirty white trash guy...aka Jan and Ryan Nelson. Me and Steve. Mitchell and Cam from Modern Family...aka Heidi and Nick Weibell. We also had the Ghostbusters...aka Morghan and Duke Cheney but came late. Such a fun group!
2. Katy Perry and Russell Brand! I had to add a little to my costume if you know what I mean...or if you know who Katy Perry is and how she dresses! Steve is in almost all women's clothing and he rock it!!!
3. I just had to share the close up because of Steve. First off, he had the dudes look down! Second I had to show proof that my husband is "all in" when it comes to Halloween costumes... I put eye liner and colored in his stash with mascara.