
June 2011

What a year can do!  She was a ham up on that stage!  Last year I didn't think she would get on the stage and this year she was all over that stage!  The theme this year was "Shirley Temple" and it was sooooooo cute! Whoops. misspelled recital :-)

1.  Grandma & Grandpa with Addyson
2. Ma with Addyson
3. Uncle Scott with Addyson
4. Emily with Addyson (After coming Emily is signing up to dance with Addyson...Yeah!)
5. Aunt Heidi with Addyson
6. Landon, Matthew and Alec Weibell & Kaden Kartchner with Addyson

Thank you everyone who came.  You guys ALWAYS make Addyson feel so special! 

Beach Trip

Steve had a CE course at the beach so the girls and I came with!  While Steve was in class we went to the beach...sorry babe!  

I LOVE these pictures!!!  I don't need to say anything the pictures say enough.  I am so in love with those two!

1. Addyson found this hill.  They were entertained for hours with it!
2. You can't go to the beach without looking for shells.
3. This girl had sand EVERYWHERE!  Look at her eye lashes!
4. So serious
5. Ella's smile
6. Addyson loves the beach!  It doesn't matter how cold the water is...she is in it!  She loves to play around in the sand.
7. Ella loved the pink chair.  She didn't know what to think about the sand at first so she hung out on the chair.  It didn't take her long before she was playing in the sand and running in the water!

Lazy Summer Days

I love summer! Playing in the yard and it being light out forever!  Waking up and the girls and I hang out in bed together until we want to get up...sorry daddy someone has to work! I love being around family and having no worries about making sure we are on time for school, dance, softball, etc. I could go on and on. 

I think I say NO more than any other word these days!  Ella loves to get into troubles!  But she is so cute so we just laugh or pull out the camera!  She loves to be in Papa's garden and eat tomatoes right off the vine. ( Ma makes a killer boysenberry shake that Ella LOVES.)

Happy Father's Day

Addyson was so excited to give daddy his Father's Day card that we made!  Ella...not so much !!!

This picture was on his card that we made.  We talked about how grateful we are for him in so many different aspects of life.  The first one being Church- His love for our Savior, his service, how he honors his priesthood and how he lives the gospel everyday. Work- I am so grateful that I get to be home with our girls.  He works hard so I don't have to be out of the house.  He is good at what he does and he is good to people.  Farming- He works hard at work and then comes home and works HARD out here!  I love living on a little bit of land and he makes that possible for me.  Play- Steve is a family man.  We always come first in his life.  He cracks me up all the time.  The girls and I love when he gets home because we just love being around him.  He has such a positive attitude towards live.  Happy Father's Day and thank you for being the man you are and the father you are to our beautiful girls.

Happy Birthday Addyson!

I am done blogging birthdays...they are to depressing for me!!!  I can't believe she is 7!  That means next year she is getting baptized!  It always seemed so far away and now it is almost here!  Don't get me wrong, I am very excited about her getting baptized but 8 years old is old!!!  
I am so proud of this girl!  She surprises me daily.  Yeah, she acts like she is 16 sometimes but she is so sweet.  She loves to help others and is a friend to everyone.  Her personally shines so bright and she always means well.  She is smart, fun, entertaining, etc. We are so grateful for her life and the wonderful life she lives.

Her favorite color is red so I tried to make everything red...it was not easy!  

We all had such a fun day!  Addyson has so many wonderful friends and family that are so good to her.  Thanks


Katie C. said...

I can't believe you had cotton candy without me!

I'm having a hard time posting comments because there are so many comments per blog. I'm in love with your pictures, and so glad you updated!

Katie C. said...

Ok, this post is a prime example! I knew I needed to come back and say how much I ADORE your beach pictures and how you edited them. ADORE!

Sara said...

yep, still not napping...just can't help myself! What a darling idea for fathers day- might just have to copy that one! love love all these pics and details! i feel like we can be friends again cuz i know what you've been up to:) ha gotta go must keep reading:)

Unknown said...

It was so fun to see so many posts! I was wondering how you guys were doing. Addyson is so grown-up and Ella is the cutest little girl ever. I am so happy for your family!