Last Saturday I accomplished something that I have never done before. I ran a 10k (that is 6.2 miles)! The run takes place in the heart of Richmond on a street that is lined with monuments of historic figures. There was live music, free food and 3o,ooo runners... it was a party!
Right before the race. Before I knew what I was getting into.
Steve and Addyson were awesome. It was a pretty cold day but they were there for me from the beginning to the end.
You might thinking "why this picture?"... well, Steve and Addyson had just shown up and Addyson was struggling in the hair department. I know I am a little anal but I had to redo her hair.
Before we started we had to get the end in sight.
(finish line in background)
This is at the beginning of the race. Morris was the sign carrier for our wave. It was so much fun to start with all my friends.
Hey!!! Looking at this picture I now know why my shoulders were so sore. That was such an awesome feeling crossing that finish line. I hope to have many more experiences like that!
My face tells everything!
We are still a little shocked that I actually did it. I hate to run! So thank you Steve and Angela for talking me into it. I think I like running now???
I love this little girl so much. She was a little confused why it was me running and not daddy. Its about time I set that one straight... watch out Steve!
The best part of the run was knowing that I had a couple of fans waiting for me. I feel so blessed to have such a supportive family.
Top right picture from right to left: Marci, Ashley Poole, Alyson, me, Amber, Makelle, Ashley Olsen(didn't run just a fan), Angela and Sara.
I have the best husband ever! After about 10,000 hints that Twlight was out and that I wanted it, he finally got it for me. He not only got the movie but he was out grocery shopping(which I hate to do)and picked it up on his way home. So Saturday night we watched it!!! Then again on Sunday because Steve fell asleep half way through. I have gotten my fill of it and it will go on the shelf for awhile.
I know I look booty but what can I say... I am HAPPY!
Addyson was the photographer with these pictures. Pretty good!!!
Daddy's Drink!!!
This shake looks gross but it really is fabulous! It is full of goodness and.... spinach! So it is our heathy but good drink. Addyson loves it and asks for it all the time. She thinks it is a special treat.
Steve doesn't graduate until May and he got his first Doctor mail!!! Is he really going to be a Doctor? After 6 years I never thought that this day would come! Things are pretty crazy around here. He takes boards next week, and then it is smooth sailing... until we have to find a job(no biggy)!!!