
Snow in March

We have lived in Richmond for 4 years and this is the first time that the snow stuck! We came out of church and it was a winter wonderland. It is kind of bitter sweet for me because Angela (friend) and I were suppose to leave that night for TN to visit some friends. The roads were bad so we were going to leave the next morning. If it snows here it is usually gone that day or the next morning.

It was so cold but we knew we had to enjoy it while we had it! Addyson was so happy, she wanted to play in the snow so bad. This whole winter she has been asking when she could build a snowman but I kept telling her that it just gets dang cold with NO snow!

The next morning...

We got 7-8 inches of snow! I had to cancel my trip (very hard to do). Steve just couldn't let his girls out in the mess (I guess he really does love me)!!!

We had such a fun day! Addyson finally got to build her first snowman (if you want to call it that). We made snow angels and the big boys had snowball fights. We stayed home all day watching movies and drinking hot chocolate. School was canceled for Steve so it turned out to be a fun family day playing in the snow!


Aly said...

Fun! Sorry your trip had to be cancelled, but at least you had fun at home, too. I am so jealous! We wanted snow so badly and I just had to be in Texas the one time it actually comes.

Jani Jo said...

Oh my heavens! You've put on so many fantastic pics since I checked last!!! What a great surprise! Your Christmas looked great, you know I adore that sweet Addyson/Valentine, and the snow pictures are unbelievable! I'm sure you're lovin' life as graduation approaches:)

Julie said...

So fun!!! Jonah's SOOO jealous! He keeps asking when we're gonna go to the snow. I just can't get enough of that girl of yours - she is just the cutest thing! Addy, you've got the BEST smile!!! We miss you guys - hopefully not for long! :)

Guenter Family said...

cute post you and your family are such posers! you can tell addyson has had lots of experience in front of a camera.