
Daddy's Drink!!!

This shake looks gross but it really is fabulous! It is full of goodness and.... spinach! So it is our heathy but good drink. Addyson loves it and asks for it all the time. She thinks it is a special treat.


Brittany said...

Too cute! I need the recipe so I can get some spinach in my kids too! Your mom told me you were coming and I am so excited!

Steve and Sara said...

It is not for sure about us coming but I will let you know if you do.

Guenter Family said...

That drink is full of goodness until it makes its way out. I think you probably get 3 days worth of fiber in that one little drink. Awesome that Addyson likes it. Wish our kids would eat something like that.

Kari Dawn Edmunds said...

You'll have to share the recipe! The pictures are so cute! I don't know if I could get the boys to try it but its worth a shot!

Anonymous said...

so whats the recipe? maybe i can get my family to drink it.

Julie said...

My boys love spinach shakes too, especially Jax - he usually drinks his, a 2nd glass, then finishes Jonahs off for him. So yummy!